Porta Romana, nestled in the downtown streets where fashion meets taste and innovation. Adjacent to many advertising agencies with which the collaboration in exchange for goods is now well established.
Cristina & Cari
Adv Store Porta Romana Corso di Porta Romana, 72 20122 Milano (MI)
Adda is located a stone’s throw from the Opq agency leader in the local sector in northern Italy. The ADV Deal staff also comes directly from commercial experiences in Advertising Agencies, with frequent experience in exchanging goods (goods exchange): they can offer their customers the best in the field.
Imbonati, near the historic headquarters of Rusconi Editore, which has now moved closer to the suburbs, whose publications are owned by the Hearst Group.
Cinzia & Stefania
Adv Store Imbonati Via Carlo Imbonati, 18 20159 Milano (MI)
Adv Deal manages a “business”, which in “international” terms is defined on the Anglo-Saxon markets as Advertising Bartering (in Italian “exchange of goods”), also reserving an important role in planning advertising investments, “repaid” with “branded” products from the Company that has invested in advertising. In this way, the Company that has invested in advertising can save, because it can pay the cost of the advertising investment with its own products. For its part ADV Deal can take advantage of this “exchange”, reselling the products obtained in “exchange of services” at super discounted prices in its stores, without the normal “markups” that large and small distribution entails …